
(006) - 1139986898


Service Product


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Service Product

Overseas Warehouse Distribution

Overseas warehouse distribution, also known as cross-border distribution, means that the supplier of goods through the continuous recruitment of cross-border export platform sellers group, in the form of wholesale or a piece of hair to achieve the purpose of its products or brand goods through the world. The prevalence of cross-border distribution is due to the fact that this model has irreplaceable advantages for cross-border e-commerce.

What are the advantages of overseas warehouse distribution?

1.For sellers to improve sales

Because the goods will allow more than one seller to sell, so there are more opportunities for display, exposure, then the sales opportunities will also become larger, to help improve sales of products, thereby driving the sales of other products in the shop.

2.Faster to build the brand

Compared with sellers to create their own brand, the distribution model of overseas warehouse is able to use the power of more than one person, multi-platform display, faster and better to create a brand. And also can effectively save money, energy, can better operate their own shop.

3.Improve profits

Because the choice of overseas warehouse warehousing can save transport costs, and can sell the product categories will also increase, is better to enhance the profit margin, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of the shop.

4. More centralized management

Overseas warehouse distribution, sellers can gather their products in a platform, and will use a special system for management, can better capture the flow, reduce the cost of distribution management and communication.

Overseas warehouse distribution process:

First of all, sellers have to transport the goods to ONESELL overseas warehouse, and then the overseas warehouse will shelf the goods to ONESELL distribution platform. Sellers can upload products from the distribution platform to their shopee/lazada shop or buy them themselves for product distribution. Once the product has been sold, the distribution platform will capture the order and after the seller has paid the money to the distribution platform, the overseas warehouse will send it to the consumer.

+60 1139986898



+60 1139986898
